Vital Essence Breathwork

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Date(s) - 24/09/2016 - 25/09/2016
12:00 am

Centre For Integral Health


Vital Essence Breath-work is a Deep Cathartic life changing technique, Using specific trauma release techniques, whilst engaging into a deep rhythmic breathing. Centering around the ‘the belts of tension’, the bands of Fascia that constrict and hold and contract system.

Powerful movement, that takes you deep inside your body, deeper than most therapies or massages have the ability to take you.

Areas of trauma and disassociation can come back to life, with the deep breathing patterns that shake and open the whole body from inside to out, allowing new light and air to open and stimulate bod and mind.

One of the quickest ways to access the deepest levels of your Body.
With a few catalysts that engage certain parts of the body in a specific way, we can bring the breath and release trauma/residual tension within minutes for some people, where other practises after years may never have touched.

body awareness
felt sense
trauma release
freeing body energy and old patterned imprints

vagus nerve
deep connect breath

alexander lowen
Yogic Breathing
inspired by Biodynamic breath work and holotropic breathing

bring a pillow, several blankets, yoga mat for comfort
give yourself the evening off to integrate

Each session will consist of:
1. Introduction
2. Loosening and activating the Fascia and Belts of tension
3. Vital Essence Breath work
4. Meditation and integration

The Benefits can amount to a deep life changing experience that help free old patterns that constrict the Breath and movement of the body.
Entering into more than 1 session ‘which is recommended’ allows the process to go deeper, bringing more space and deeper release to the body.

The weekend will consist of a total of 2 sessions of breathwork, each around 4 long.
You can choose to come for just one day or significantly deepen the experience by attending both days.
Each day strictly limited to 8 people, places reserved by full payment for each day.
Each day will cost £100, total investment £200 for the weekend.

Each session will be lead and guided by international teacher Simon Calder

An initial weekend will be held on 3rd-4th September under the same format and provides an opportunity for participants to work deeper than time allows on a single weekend.

For more information, please contact Ben Calder on or call 07748947131
Tickets for the event are available at

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